Monday, March 31, 2008

Mmmmmmmmmmm, Chocolate

A friend of mine told me she's just started on Weight Watchers. I said, "Congratulations!" And I meant it too. Then I asked her The Question: "Do you like chocolate?"

So I gave her a piece of the aptly named IsaDelight chocolates and explained that it might help curb her cravings, boost her energy and lift her spirits. She said she'd take it the next afternoon.

Two days later, she calls me up: "I have to order some of those chocolates from you!"

I said, "Fabulous! But I can't talk to you right now." (I was having tea with someone I haven't seen in a long time.) "Can I call you back?"

She said, "When? When will you call me? I have to have those chocolates!"

I love more than ever before!

(P.S.: Seven people on the team now!)

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