Sunday, March 16, 2008

"I am not a salesperson"

Nope, not me. "I am not a salesperson." So why did I just spend most of the last three days at a conference to learn how to introduce people to this remarkable product, Isagenix, that changed my life? Because it changed my life. I went from busting out of a women's size 18 (and if you know anything about how women's clothing is sized, you know that's really a size 20) to being a comfortable size 10 - and in some clothes, size 8. I also have more energy and feel and look better than I have, ever in my life.

I went to my high school reunion last summer (I won't say which one, but it was well into the double-digits) and enjoyed being significantly thinner than many of the women who were undisputed hotties when we were back in high school - which was a first for all of us. Although, to tell you the truth, I think I enjoyed the experience a lot more than they did.

But I digress. So why did I go to this conference? Because I don't know whether or not I'm really a "salesperson," but I do know that I am someone who wants to help people. I think everyone who wants it, should have the experience of going into a store fitting room and having to send out for smaller sizes. I think everyone should have the experience of being slimmer in middle age than when she was in high school. Mostly, I think everyone who wants to should get healthy and feel great. So that's what I spent the weekend doing - learning how to help people.

After four hours on Friday evening and 10 hours on Saturday, my head was spinning, so I skipped the group dinner and went home. On my way, I stopped at a Starbucks.

The woman behind the counter said, "How are you this evening?" My head was swimming with all that I'd learned in the previous 14 hours, but unfortunately none of it swum into my mouth when I said, "Oh! I'm exhausted!"

Then it was like someone slapped my forehead - like in the vegetable juice commercials - and I realized that I'd just deflected an opportunity. So when she turned back to me I said, "You know, I really am exhausted. But I'm also excited. Because I just learned how this program that helped me lose 40 pounds may also help me make a lot of money." And she said....

"Losing weight and making money? What's that all about?"

And when she gave me her email address, she became my very first "quality contact."

Stay tuned - I'll let you know how it goes with her.

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