Monday, March 31, 2008

Mmmmmmmmmmm, Chocolate

A friend of mine told me she's just started on Weight Watchers. I said, "Congratulations!" And I meant it too. Then I asked her The Question: "Do you like chocolate?"

So I gave her a piece of the aptly named IsaDelight chocolates and explained that it might help curb her cravings, boost her energy and lift her spirits. She said she'd take it the next afternoon.

Two days later, she calls me up: "I have to order some of those chocolates from you!"

I said, "Fabulous! But I can't talk to you right now." (I was having tea with someone I haven't seen in a long time.) "Can I call you back?"

She said, "When? When will you call me? I have to have those chocolates!"

I love more than ever before!

(P.S.: Seven people on the team now!)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Power of Six

Six people on my team now, six people getting healthier every day. One woman who started the 30-day program on Saturday has already lost 8 pounds! I'm discovering something about myself: helping people makes me very happy.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My story

Before we get too far along here, I should probably tell my story. How did I get from "Before" to "Now"?

I spent the summer of 2006 feeling increasingly debilitated. With each flight of stairs that winded me, each sweet dessert I craved even more than ever, I worried that there was something terribly wrong with me.

So did I go to the doctor?

Reader, I did not.

No, I come from a long line of ostriches, generations of people sticking their heads in the sand so they can't see Trouble. Unfortunately, Trouble sees them just fine.

Finally, I came back from vacation thinking, "Maybe - maybe I'll call the doctor next week." Then I unloaded my car. Three trips up and down one flight of stairs from my basement and I was near collapse. I called the doctor the next morning.

She did some tests, but didn't seem unduly alarmed about anything. Next morning, my phone rings. It's the doctor's office. The nurse says, "The doctor wants you to come back in."

"Okay," I said, grabbing my date book. "When?"

"How about NOW?"

Bottom line, I had three different things going on. Later, my partner found an article from a medical journal that basically said, "If you've got these three things going on, you shouldn't be reading this article. You should be dead already."

The doctor said I needed to lose weight. I knew she was serious, as in dead serious. And I also knew that if I pussyfooted around losing a pound or two a week, I would never get the weight off. That approach hadn't worked in the past, and this time I needed something that would really, truly, absolutely work. I needed to get healthy as quickly and as safely as I could.

A friend had recommended Isagenix to me a few years earlier. This time, I took her up on it. I started in October 2006 and by February 2007, I was a size 10. When I went to the doctor for my six-month follow-up, she walked into the exam room and nearly dropped her clipboard. She shouted, "You're skinny!" And she said in all her years of practicing, I was the very first patient who'd ever listened to her warning and lost the weight.

Now, a year and a bit later, I'm still a size 10. But I've recommitted myself to the program and I'm going to take off the last 20 or so pounds I need to lose. And if I can do it...oh yeah, absolutely anyone can!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I've spent a good part of the last three days reconnecting with people and I have to say it feels great! I'm a writer and I work from home. Most days, the only companionship I have is the puppy (part Australian shepherd and part border collie - I call her my "border colleague"), but doing this has forced me to open up my address book and call people and get out of the house and see people - and I'm finding I like it quite a lot!

I've reconnected with people I haven't seen in five years - no, in one case you can probably make that about a dozen - with friends who never expect me to call and with friends I probably should have been calling all along. And in addition to catching up on what's going on in their lives, I get to offer them an opportunity to improve their health and their financial situation. I can't tell you how good that makes me feel.

I made a small sale yesterday, but today I added the first member to my sales team. Today one sale, tomorrow a sales empire!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

"I am not a salesperson"

Nope, not me. "I am not a salesperson." So why did I just spend most of the last three days at a conference to learn how to introduce people to this remarkable product, Isagenix, that changed my life? Because it changed my life. I went from busting out of a women's size 18 (and if you know anything about how women's clothing is sized, you know that's really a size 20) to being a comfortable size 10 - and in some clothes, size 8. I also have more energy and feel and look better than I have, ever in my life.

I went to my high school reunion last summer (I won't say which one, but it was well into the double-digits) and enjoyed being significantly thinner than many of the women who were undisputed hotties when we were back in high school - which was a first for all of us. Although, to tell you the truth, I think I enjoyed the experience a lot more than they did.

But I digress. So why did I go to this conference? Because I don't know whether or not I'm really a "salesperson," but I do know that I am someone who wants to help people. I think everyone who wants it, should have the experience of going into a store fitting room and having to send out for smaller sizes. I think everyone should have the experience of being slimmer in middle age than when she was in high school. Mostly, I think everyone who wants to should get healthy and feel great. So that's what I spent the weekend doing - learning how to help people.

After four hours on Friday evening and 10 hours on Saturday, my head was spinning, so I skipped the group dinner and went home. On my way, I stopped at a Starbucks.

The woman behind the counter said, "How are you this evening?" My head was swimming with all that I'd learned in the previous 14 hours, but unfortunately none of it swum into my mouth when I said, "Oh! I'm exhausted!"

Then it was like someone slapped my forehead - like in the vegetable juice commercials - and I realized that I'd just deflected an opportunity. So when she turned back to me I said, "You know, I really am exhausted. But I'm also excited. Because I just learned how this program that helped me lose 40 pounds may also help me make a lot of money." And she said....

"Losing weight and making money? What's that all about?"

And when she gave me her email address, she became my very first "quality contact."

Stay tuned - I'll let you know how it goes with her.