Thursday, April 29, 2010

Persistence & Passion

One of my friends is about to get his novel published. Actually, another friend announced just last night that a publisher bought his book - I guess I have talented friends - but this post is about the first guy.

He's been writing this one book for seven years. Seven years! I can't even comprehend it. I've been a writer for 20 years, but I've never attempted a project that big. I get antsy working on the same project after seven days.

In the past seven years, my friend has gone through just about every emotion a writer can go through: delight at the initial idea; pleasure in putting it down on paper; frustration when the words won't find their way from your brain to your keyboard; doubt about the quality of the work, blending into absolute certainty that it is complete and utter crap; exhilaration at finding a new way to present the material; drive to get the job done; exhaustion and, again, exhilaration at typing the final words.

But he did it - he persisted through all of that. Through the highs and the lows and the negative self-talk. He kept going. For seven years.

How many people are willing to pursue a passion with intensity and drive for seven years? Some can't even do it for seven minutes.

But my friend did, and he received a very sweet reward: In addition to the satisfaction of his accomplishment as an artist, he has a contract with a big-time, major publishing house.

As I thought about my friend's accomplishment, I realized it has many parallels with what we do in the marketing world. The best marketers are passionate about their products - and that passion fuels the fire that keeps them going even in the cold, lonely Valley of "No" and the swamp of "Go Away, We Don't Want Any."

What sweet reward drives you to pursue your marketing business through the difficult times and the negative self-talk we all encounter?