Monday, May 12, 2008


I've never been much of a goal-setter in the past. I'll blame The Voice for that, can't I? You know, The Voice in your head that says unhelpful things - sometimes quite loudly and with the kind of annoying frequency usually only found in 2-year-olds who've set their sights on expensive toy.

My Voice told me that setting goals was a waste of time, especially since I wasn't going to meet them anyway! So for years, I never bothered.

But lately I've been working on The Voice, trying to give it a permanent case of laryngitis. And so I set a goal for the month of April. A pretty audacious goal, at that. I have a calendar hanging next to my desk and on the square for April 30th, the last day of the month, I wrote the number of people I wanted to have enrolled on my team.

And I found out...The Voice was right: I didn't meet my goal. I exceeded it!

So we've been making like soccer fans in my house, lots of high-fives and shouts of "Goooooooooooooooooooooal!"

Feels fabulous!

Team Slimdiva now has 17 members...and counting! With more goooooooooooals set weekly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been telling my students a lot lately that its not just important to have kind of vague goals for the future, but to write them down and associate them with a time-frame.... because how can you get anywhere if you don't know exactly where that place is.