Monday, June 30, 2008

Fair? Nope, Fabulous!

Team "Slim Diva" set up a booth at a street fair yesterday. What an awesome day! Even when it rained - and oh yeah, did it rain! - we made great connections with people. We were talking with a very nice man, a body-builder type who wants to increase his lean muscle mass, when the skies opened up...and then the wind whipped up and started blowing away people's tents! There were only two of us working the booth at the moment (me and Lauren) and our arms weren't long enough to hold down all four sides of the tent, so this guy just grabbed on and stayed with us until the storm had passed. We didn't even have to ask! Thanks again, Malik, wherever you are!

We had various helpers who joined us for parts of the day, but Lauren and I were there from 9 a.m. until 8 p.m. Eleven hours. Physically we were exhausted by the time we got home. But mentally, we were jazzed. We met soooo many people and had tons of great conversations about how we can help them achieve their health (and wealth) goals. Now begins the work of following up with the 100+ people who were interested enough to give us their information. Whew! I can't wait to do it again!

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